๐ŸŽฏTargetting Specific Keycloak Versions

By default, Keycloakify generates multiples jar files, each one meant to be used with a given Keycloak version range.

files generated by 'keycloakify build' when you have a Multi Page Account theme

However you might want to customize this behavior. If you know ahead of time what Keycloak you theme will using you can build only for this version using the keycloakVersionTargets build option.

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";
import { keycloakify } from "keycloakify/vite-plugin";

// https://vitejs.dev/config/
export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [react(), keycloakify({
        accountThemeImplementation: "none", 
        keycloakVersionTargets: {
            "21-and-below": false,
            "22-and-above": "my-keycloak-theme.jar"

In this configuration only the jar for Keycloak 22 and above will be generated by npx keycloakify build. and the file will be: dist_keycloak/my-keycloak-theme.jar.

If you have a Multi Page account theme the keycloakVersionTargets expected changes! Use TypeScript auto completion to know what ranges are required to be filled.

Last updated