
Looking to submit a PR? Thank you!

First, if you're not yet familiar on how to contribute to open source, you might want to watch this short viedo.

First thing you want to do is fork the keycloakify and the keycloakify-starter repos.

Here is how you can setup a development environment. You must use Yarn classic (v1). First you want to clone keycloakify and the keycloakify starter alongside each other

cd ~/github
git clone https://github.com/<your github username>/keycloakify
git clone https://github.com/<your github username>/keycloakify-starter

You can start the storybook locally in dev mode with:

cd ~/github/keycloakify
yarn storybook

If you want to test the changes you've made in keycloakify in the starter simply run

cd ~/github/keycloakify
yarn link-in-starter

In parallel you can:

cd ~/github/keycloakify-starter
yarn storybook
# or
npx keycloakify start-keycloak

And see the changes you make on the keycloakify project applied in the starter, it's all hot reloaded.

Last updated